September 26, 2024

Time and Money: The Business Balancing Act

I enjoy taking the train into work—it gives me time to think and reflect. Today, it's about Time and Money. Let’s play out a few What-If scenarios.

1. Have Money, No Time - Risky Business

If I’ve got the money but no time, I can hire people to handle the work. Sounds simple, right? But it’s riskier than you think. There’s a good chance I’ll make a few wrong hires before the right team is in place. The big question: Will I still have the money by then? It’s a game of patience and balance. If I run out of time and funds before the team clicks, I’m in trouble.

2. Have Time, No Money - My Favorite Challenge

This is my sweet spot—the “survival mode” and “think outside the box” mindset. Time is a critical asset in any business venture. With time, I can:

  • Challenge my thought process while developing a solid business plan.
  • Find the right people and get their buy-in.
  • Explore creative ways to source money.

The process is harder, but that’s what makes it satisfying. It’s about building from the ground up and finding strength in constraints.

3. No Time, Little Money - Forget It

It amazes me when people jump into new ventures without time or money. The only reasons I can think of are Passion or FOMO (Fear of Missing Out). But passion alone doesn’t pay the bills, and FOMO won’t get you far. If you don’t have either resource, don’t waste your energy. Focus on building a foundation first.

In business, both time and money are vital. Without one, you’d better know how to make up for it with the other. So, what’s your current balance?

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